MD Connect lists physicians on Twitter; Here are some more in health IT
If you are into health IT and digital health, you should follow these physicians on Twitter.
If you are into health IT and digital health, you should follow these physicians on Twitter.
There are many inspirational names in modern-day healthcare and, partially due to reform, room for even more. But a commenter on Reddit posed the question of whether there is anyone who is as well-known and charismatic a spokesperson for medicine as Neil deGrasse Tyson is for astrophysics. (Perhaps medicine is too specialized to have one […]
The use of social media has exploded in the last couple of years, and doctors are also jumping on board. In an effort to understand how physicians are using social media, WCG, an independent strategic communications firm, created a database of nearly 1,400 doctors on Twitter and linked their profiles to the National Provide Identifier, […]
The cardiology profession hasn’t exactly embraced Twitter. When the American Heart Association conducted an informal poll of a select group of members, only two of about 75 respondents said they used Twitter. And those two reported using the popular 140-character social networking service “infrequently,” according to a spokeswoman for the organization. Nonetheless, some notable cardiologists […]
Medical device marketing consultant Joe Hage is on a mission: To help your company generate more leads. How does he determine which companies need help? “I look to see how easy is it for me to leave my contact information,” he says. And don’t ask him for his physical address or industry. “If I want to […]